September 4
I got up extra early to go to the coffee shop for my weekly Skype call to the family.There is 13 hours difference, so there is a very small window of time to catch each other. After a nice long chat, I head to my first yoga class with some friends. I am so excited. It was a great class and so refreshing. Much of it to my surprise was very similar to yoga in the States, but there are a few twists.
More furniture showed up today, which is also very uplifting. Because we purchased the cheapest things we could find, it's not very impressive or comfy furniture, but it will do. My mood is lifting more and more, but Matt is still struggling. He is finding it difficult to look beyond everything that is 'wrong' to us, and shrug off the things that bother him. At least he has an easy, stress free job that makes a lot. One things for sure, this adventure really makes a person appreciate everything back home. My friend said she was showing her class some pictures back home, (which were just normal, adverse pictures of a house and yard) and the kids were amazed and kept saying she is rich. She had to explain that no, her family is not, but that is how most live in America.... it's just different. There are definitely pros and cons to all countries. I actually find the nature here beautiful. I can't wait to go hiking and exploring!!
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